Enterprise ready
DLT-Database Platform
made easy

Made in Switzerland - Created for the world

We give your Data an immutable and anytime provable History in the 
DLS Distributed Ledger Database

Distributed Ledger Technology for your business

We created the DLS DLT-Database Platform from ground up with industrial needs for Enterprise in mind.
A clean and simple way to integrate new or existing business functionalities.

The smart SWISS PROOF-PLATFORM CHOICE for your solutions!


All your data secured with an immutable history
Fast - small - big - data or a combination thereof, your choice

scalable – secure – energy efficient – function enriched – modular - cost effective - smart blocks – dynamically expandable - multi-tenant with an immutable History

Consulting and Coaching

Not sure if DLT - Blockchain is the right fit for your company, your requirements?

We support you from the first discussion on every step of the journey. From evaluation, if Blockchain is the right approach, through all milestones to your business goal. We will ensure that you will get the value we have defined together.

" We do not just take care of your data, we also take care of you and your targets." Get it contact - let's discuss!

Kuno Bürge

Official Member

Official Partner


Swiss DLT made easy


Secure, collaborate and prove with an immutable history


We believe in digital Privacy. We believe in digital Security.
We believe in immutable History.